Soccer Almanac

American soccer writing, history & data.


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Update: Sep 28, 2023

We've made some major updates to the site. The biggest of those is adding player (and manager) tables. The first league to add this data to the site is the 1894 season of the American League of Professional Football. The ALPF and the American Association of Professional Football both launched short-lived seasons in the fall of 1894. Those two leagues are considered the first fully professional soccer leagues in the United States. We'll be adding player information for the AAPF soon.

After that we're planning on adding player information for the American Association Football League. The AAFL was an amateur league that played a spring 1894 season and has many connections to the ALPF and AAPF leagues that played later that year. The original American Soccer League and the Women's United Soccer Association are also on the next leagues to have player information added to the site.

©2025 by Daniel Creel. All rights reserved.